Doubting castle 3: Flipped lecture on image editing, digital drawing or basic audio editing

As the article said, ‘social media is ‘triple-aspected’’, it is a professional networking tool, a tool to market media projects and an emerging platform. Social media can let public know your project faster and easier.

However, find a suitable platform is the most important thing when you want improve your project. For our digital story, it has four separate story and we cut them together to show the difference between Chinese and western culture. So we need to upload it to some video platform like ‘youtube’, and also because the story is about international students, the most important viewer will be 18-30 years old, so we also need to put it on some popular social media like Instagram and FaceBook. In order to make more people know our digital story, we also will put it on some Chinese video platform, like Youku or Aiqiyi.

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