Practice-led research

Our digital story titled ‘A Real Daydream’ and this project involves a series of five one minute videos. We finish all of our shot in four days, there are lots of problem during our production. I’m going to talk about a typical issue occurred in the production process, which is fixed camera position. 

How to avoid overexposure is one of the most important problem for us, whenever outside or inside, we always have this problem, even we do the white balance first. The sunlight of our shot day is extraordinary strong, and totally have two different color when we backlighting. 屏幕快照 2016-05-25 下午1.48.48

The protagonist’s face is too bright and the color is too warm.

屏幕快照 2016-05-26 下午5.24.09.pngAnd because in some scene we didn’t use tripod, the footage are too instability. When want the DOP follow the protagonist’s steps but it is really hard to make you hand stability. I want to know how to keep stability during the shot so I do some research and read book about it.

The best way of course is use the tripod but in some situation when can’t use it, so if we just can use our hand, we need to try to keep the camera close to our body, and make your two arms and the camera looks like a ‘tripod’.

屏幕快照 2016-05-26 下午5.40.36.png

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