Produce a digital story


It was a wonderful experience for me can work with Kim, Brian, Emma and Christine, they made a good script and our cooperation is very happy. We swap our roles in different scene, so it is meanings we can learn new things in different scene.

In Cici’s scene, my role is 1st AD so I need to help Christine to shot. The sunlight of that day are really strong, so lots of footage are overexposure and the color looks too warm. And we didn’t use tripod when we shot Melvin’s scene, so frame shaking happened a lot, it makes our post-production more difficult.


And I edit the scene of Melvin in cafe. I’m not notice the audio are not in same level, so sometimes the background music are loudly than the dialogue, and our group member waste time to fix it.

After presentation in the class, we work together to fix the problem of color and audio, our video is a little bit long, so we have to cut the scene of Cici meet Emma in Melbourne and when Melvin got fork and they talk with each other are also too long, maybe we will improve our project next semester.

All the experience of digital story are awesome, it is very happy to work with those lovely and creative guys!


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