Introduction to Documentary

To be honestly, in my opinion I thought that documentary is just put camera in there and record all the scene, it is one hundred percent reduction. Obviously, this kind of opinion is an unbalanced view.

There six different modes of documentary, now I want to talk about THE PARTICIPATORY MODE. 

This mode is totally different with the observational mode, the filmmaker and subject can communication and interaction and until the filmmaker becomes part of the events being recorded. We all know there are lots of different topic of documentary, you can control the what scene you want, which angle you choose but the only thing you can’t control is other people’s behavior. In other words, if the filmmaker try to communicate with interviewee, it can make the documentary more conform to the filmmaker’s meaning. A good documentary should make the viewer interested in it, but sometimes reality is not attractive. Of course, documentary need to be true and objective, but it is not equivalent to a complete record. One of my favorite Kindergarten, is also use this mode. This documentary is about a group of innocent and lovely child’s life, but the filmmaker also participatory in it.

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Use this kind of mode, can make the theme of the documentary more clearly and intensity. And as the filmmaker can becoming a part of documentary is also an interesting thing.

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