Forbidden Lies

In the beginning of film, it is background music accompanied with the environmental sound of birds. This clip is very long, has 30 seconds, all is background music combined with different scenarios. Until the break on ‘This is not true’, then is a journalist’s monologue, the picture is the place where she worked, some daily pictures.

The bets part of the clip of ‘Forbidden Lies’ is the two interviewers are reading same book and the sounds of them are overlap each other, but all is clear, it is amazing. Two voice level are same and clear, it is really hard to do. For myself, I always can not make the voice good, sometimes is the background music are too loud, sometimes it is too low and can’t hear.

In my opinion, the hardest part of audio edit is how to control all of the sound. Background music, monologue, dialogue, environmental sound, special effects cinematography. There are lots of sound in one film, you need to control all of them, don’t make them too loud or too low. And also need them sounds harmonious and clear.

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