Reflection on the course

It is really sad for me to write the reflection on the coutse, because it is meanings that this course was end. Basically, sound and image is my favorite class in this semester. It is a wonderful to learn so much professional knowleage and work with my lovely classmates.


At the beginning of this semester, I want learn how to make a film, how to use camrea, sound equipment and editting software, of course I did it! And more than it. From editting Lenny, I learnt how to edit clips and how to find a suitable background music. And also during the interestive, we made our own Lenny! It is so exciting to work in a team, and everyone are creativeful and loverly. The best part of this course is about the documentary, it is so useful to know everything about interview.

This course give lot, obviously it is exceeded my expectations and I really enjoy it and love it! It is so nice to have two awesome tutor and super cool classmates! It will be a wonderful memories for me!


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