Task 7: media convergence / social media

At first I just want to upload my project on Youtube, because it is a video project, but I find that all of the video, if you want audience you need to do lots of  publicize and use social network to make more people know your project. It will increase your audience. In modern society, no matter what kind of project all need advertising, you can’t just put in online and wait someone look it. So I decide use Facebook, Instagram and Weibo to publicize my project. And also because of my project is about AI, so I still need more research about it, like people’s attitude and reflect, and utilization about AI.

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I also thinking about let audience to choose their own ending of the story— it is just a joke or Siri has already lost control. Just like the sample on the blackboard. It is a good to increase participation, and for me, I can have different endings and I think it is good for my digital narrative.

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Youtube and Youku ( Chinese video website, similar with Youtube) are very popular in Australia and China, so it is the best place to upload my project. I want my audience more widely not just Chinese, so Youtube is a very important platform. And for this kind of film, most of the audience will be the teenager, as you all know, Iphone have the biggest user in the world, our phone, our laptop all belongs to Apple Inc, and Siri is a computer program that works as an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator, part of Apple Inc.’s IOS, watchOS, and tvOS operating systems. And artificial intelligence is more and more popular topic in few years, we can easy search about it on the Internet. So this film about Siri will be public on the Youtube and Facebook, which will easy to find and watch by teenager.

But there is a problem is that, how to use social media to make public know what my project want to show, because it is hard to use some pictures or words to express my topic, so I still think about how to solve this problem.

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